Sustainable Finance
at Interbank

According to the United Nations, to accomplish the mitigation goals set in the Paris Agreement and improve resiliency and adaptation to climate change in Latin American and Caribbean countries, capital flow to low-carbon and climate-change-resilient projects must be increased (UNEP, 2023).
Taking on a mobilizing role of these good practices, Interbank extends credits subject to the international principles of green loans and sustainability-linked loans published by the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA). This is why, in 2022, Interbank:
• Disbursed a credit facility linked to sustainability in the Peruvian fisheries industry for US$22 million to the firm Austral Group. This loan is intended to continue driving the development of responsible and sustainable fishing, which preserves and takes care of hydrobiological resources by a clean production to mitigate its effects on climate change.
• Extended a sustainability-linked loan to Supermercados Peruanos (SPSA) for S/ 100 million, payable in 5 years, linked to environmental and social management indicators and goals relevant to the latter, promoting collection and recycling of waste generated.