Inclusion of senior citizens
through “Golden Crew”
According to the Ministry of Labor and the Promotion of Employment (MTPE), an increase of 2.7% in the unemployment rate for senior citizens was reported in 2019. Also, in 2021, an estimated 1 million 555 thousand seniors were reported working in the informal sector or in jobs with no access to social security or benefits. This prompted NGR to launch the initiative of the Golden Crew program, which seeks to promote the insertion of seniors in the labor market in Peru, affording them the opportunity to keep on shining their light and live unique experiences.
NGR is an organization which emphasizes inclusion and support to this age group, promoting intergenerational exchange and diversity in the work environment. This program not only contributes to the personal development and emotional well-being of seniors, but also integrates those in vulnerability conditions, enhancing the diversity and growth of their community.
Over the years, Golden Crew has shown to be a transformative initiative. In the stores where it currently operates, Golden Crew has achieved a 6% increase in the eNPS associated with the work climate.
Additionally, employees of the Golden Crew program report an annual turnover rate of 1.10%, which is 14.01% less than other teams. This outcome highlights the benefits of the program, which has turned the NGR stores into more satisfactory and collaborative environments.