
In this complex context, at Intercorp we stand firm in our purpose of making Peru the best place to raise a family, going beyond present and future generations, reflected in our business strategy which wagers on innovation and operational efficiency, with a strong digitalization component, led by the best talent, and in which sustainability plays a key role.
In 2022, we launched our Sustainability Strategy based on four key pillars: Environment, Society, Economy and Integrity, and by 2023, we have made major strides in all our platforms and business units, which we are proud to share.
In connection with the Environment Pillar, 93% of the companies measure their carbon footprint and 64% is managing it by setting reduction targets, launching the pilot project "Intercorp Carbon Footprint Software" with companies representing the Retail and Education platforms, and 86% of our companies have energy efficiency and renewable energy plans in place, with examples such as plazaVea, InRetail Pharma and Interbank which have solar panels and/or Renewable Energy Certificates.
Furthermore, in connection with the Society and Economy Pillars, 86% of the group’s companies have at least one shared value program which generates a social and/or environmental impact, and a business impact. Highlights include the establishment of strategic partnerships to implement initiatives and multiply the impact, in addition to our commitment to being the main ally of Peruvian entrepreneurs. Some examples include: La Placita del Emprendimiento de Real Plaza, which boosted sales of +1,500 MYPIMEs (Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, or MSMEs); the Becas COAR de UTP scholarship program, which funds 100% of the higher education of +2,500 students from 25 High-Performance Schools (COAR for its acronym in Spanish) nationwide, in a partnership with the Ministry of Education; and IzipayYA, a digital wallet which facilitates the financial inclusion of its more than 740 thousand clients.
Lastly, in the Integrity Pillar, we continued strengthening our sustainability culture through spaces for learning and sharing experiences amongst our leaders and teams. Our Board and our Sustainability Committee exemplify these joint efforts to advance together, no team being left behind.
We know full well that we still have a long way to go, however, we celebrate each step we take, such us the recognition of Inretail, for the third consecutive year, in the “Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance” Index for having ranked fourth in its industry worldwide; in addition to its inclusion in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024 of S&P Global with Intercorp Financial Services (IFS).
Furthermore, the first place of Interbank in the Merco Responsabilidad ESG 2023 ranking; the recognition of 14 Group companies in the overall rankings of Great Place To Work 2023, segmented by number of employees; and the awards to five Intercorp companies in the first edition of the Great Place To Work - Sustainable Management 2023 ranking.
These accomplishments reflect that sustainability defines our way of doing business, regardless of the challenging context we may face, both domestically and globally, and that every year we strive to keep going forward towards our goals.
We thank our stakeholders for the trust they have placed on us and invite you to review our Sustainability Report 2023, which provides an overview of our actions, accomplishments and goals within the framework of our strategic pillars. Let’s keep building together the Peru that we dream of for our families.
Intercorp Group