
Affordable education<br /> <strong>for great talent</strong>

Affordable education
for great talent

With a view to “No exceptional talent being left without the possibility to change our world,” for over 10 years now Perú Champs has been affording low-income families nationwide the possibility to give their exceptionally talented children, whether academically, in sports or in the arts, a good education so they can fulfill their dreams, whatever they may be.

As of the closing of 2023, Perú Champs has benefitted over 5,000 students, or "Champs", who are granted a 75% scholarship to study at Innova Schools, as well as the possibility to participate in free leadership programs, and to receive social, emotional and psychological counselling, all programs conducted by Perú Champs are aimed at the development of the following qualities, defined as a priority by the organization: integrity, creativity, individual and shared vision, and social commitment.

Although all leadership programs are noncompulsory, over 84% of Champs participate in them every year; in projects, mentoring sessions and workshops aligned with the United Nations sustainable development goals. On the other hand,

the psychologists team of Perú Champs monitors its students on an ongoing basis, to ensure their appropriate socioemotional development, their adjustment to the school and their mental health. The timing and intensity of monitoring for each student is determined by their degree of vulnerability, considering academic development, adjustment and mental health factors. In turn, the programs seek to involve the fathers and mothers in various workshops aimed at the development of a socioemotional connection with their children, the recognition of bullying situations, and workshops which seek to optimize their quality of life, focused on entrepreneurships, basic finance and healthy living, among other subjects.

The work of Perú Champs would not be possible without the generous support of persons and companies, both in Peru and abroad, who recurrently donate to the organization to adhere to this crusade intended to transform lives through education.

Several, most successful, fundraising programs are in place, such as "Un gol una beca" with Sporting Cristal, "Wish dish" with various restaurants, and "Redondeo de centavitos" with plazaVea, Vivanda, Oechsle, Promart and Inkafarma.

Thus, the entire Champ community -students, families, donors, volunteers and team- joins forces to forge agents of change to lead, with values, the future generations of our country and the world.