
Educating<br /> <strong> agents of change</strong>

agents of change

Innova Schools was conceived to inspire and forge our students to transform the world, with a business model based on providing quality and affordable education to the community, with a view to setting a self-sustainable financial strategy and reach all regions of Peru, and recognized by the World Economic Forum 2020 as one of the 16 Schools of the Future and a model of education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Innova Schools incorporates a sustainability and shared value approach in the education of students, developing initiatives such as “Innovation Program- IP” and “Proyectos de Humanidades”, which address issues and concepts associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and/or current socioenvironmental problems which they themselves identify in their actual conditions, thus becoming agents of change.

Innovation Program
seeks to have the students generate solutions to various socioenvironmental problems, implementing multiple competencies, such as the irresponsible use of water, the excessive use of plastic bags, the promotion of local cultural diversity, and carbon footprint increases, among others.

Proyectos de Humanidades
On the other hand, “Proyectos de Humanidades” is a new proposal which applies an effective worldwide teaching - learning methodology named Project - Based Learning.In these projects, the students articulate Social Sciences and Communication to solve social problems in their environment, inspired in the Sustainable Development Goals.